Saturday 24 April 2010

Arsenal vs. Wigan #NickCleggsFault

It's taken me a long while to get over the defeat against Wigan. I've been avoiding football since. We have a very close relationship and we'll eventually get back together but right now we just need to spend a bit of time apart to have our own space.

Apparently, there have been some matches involving Barcelona, Liverpool, Fulham and some other teams since then. If anyone reading this knows what happened in those and wants to let me know the scores, I'd be very pleased to hear from you.

Anyway, I've been racking my brains to work out why we lost against Wigan. Was it the defence? Do we need a new keeper? Was it complacency or just one of those end-of-season things? Or was it the fact that Arsene Wenger didn't bring on Robin van Persie earlier in the match?

Well, it seems that at the moment there's some kind of General Election-thingy going on in the UK and I've therefore come to the conclusion that it it was all #NickCleggsFault.

But fear not, fellow Arsenal fans. You can now fight back. You can help the Daily Mail fight against that dastardly Johnny Foreigner Nick Clegg by playing...

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